myAS="65066" AS $myAS router-id fib-update no nexthop qualify via default socket "/var/www/logs/bgpd.rsock" restricted group blacklist-sources { multihop 64 announce none # Neighbor upA - John Q Public - neighbor { descr "upA" remote-as 65198 tcp md5sig key deadbeef } # Neighbor downB - Mike Bolton - neighbor { descr "downB" remote-as 65191 ipsec ah ike } } group RS { announce all set nexthop no-modify enforce neighbor-as no multihop 64 ttl-security no holdtime min 60 softreconfig in no neighbor { passive } } deny from any allow from group blacklist-sources allow to any # Ensure that an IP to be blacklisted is only a host entry deny from group blacklist-sources inet prefixlen < 32 deny from group blacklist-sources inet6 prefixlen < 128 # Set my own community, so clients have an easy way to filter match from group blacklist-sources community neighbor-as:666 set community $myAS:666 match from group blacklist-sources community neighbor-as:42 set community $myAS:42